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9 Best Ways to Broil Steak in Toaster Oven

by | Toaster Oven Cooking Functions

Are you craving a mouthwatering steak, but don’t have access to a grill? No worries! In this guide, we’ll show you the 9 best ways to broil steak in a toaster oven. Just imagine sinking your teeth into a perfectly seasoned, tender piece of meat, with a delicious charred crust on the outside. With these simple steps, you’ll be able to achieve that restaurant-quality taste right in your own kitchen. From preheating the toaster oven to letting the steak rest before serving, we’ll walk you through each essential technique to ensure your steak is cooked to perfection. Get ready to impress yourself with your toaster oven broiling skills!

Preheat the Toaster Oven

To broil your steak in a toaster oven, begin by preheating the appliance to the desired temperature. Start by adjusting the temperature dial to the broil setting and set it to high. Give the toaster oven some time to heat up, usually around 5 to 10 minutes. While waiting, make sure to position the oven rack at the topmost level, so that the steak will be closer to the heating element. This will help ensure that your steak gets that perfect sear and caramelization. Once the toaster oven is preheated, it’s time to place your steak on a broiler pan or a wire rack set on a baking sheet. Now, you’re ready to start broiling your steak to perfection!

Choose the Right Cut of Steak

To ensure a delicious broiled steak in your toaster oven, you’ll need to choose the right cut of steak. The key is to select a cut that is tender, flavorful, and well-marbled. One popular option is the ribeye steak, known for its rich marbling and juicy texture. It is a versatile cut that can be cooked to different levels of doneness, from medium-rare to well-done. Another great choice is the New York strip steak, which is tender and has a bold, beefy flavor. It is leaner than ribeye but still delivers a satisfying bite. If you prefer a leaner option, consider the filet mignon, a tender and melt-in-your-mouth cut. Whichever cut you choose, make sure it is thick enough to withstand the broiling process without drying out.

Season the Steak

Now that you’ve chosen the right cut of steak, it’s time to season it to enhance its flavor. Here’s how you can make your steak taste even better:

  • Start with a generous amount of kosher salt to bring out the natural flavors of the meat.
  • Add freshly ground black pepper for a subtle kick of heat.
  • Sprinkle some garlic powder to give your steak a savory and aromatic touch.
  • For a hint of sweetness, try adding a pinch of brown sugar.
  • Finally, don’t forget to drizzle a little bit of olive oil to help the seasoning adhere to the steak and create a delicious crust.

Prepare the Broiler Pan

Get out your broiler pan and make sure it is clean and ready to use. Before you start broiling your steak in the toaster oven, it is important to prepare the broiler pan properly. Begin by removing any leftover residue from previous use. Give it a thorough wash with warm soapy water, making sure to scrub away any grease or grime. Rinse off the soap and dry the pan completely. Next, place the broiler rack onto the pan, ensuring it fits snugly. This rack will elevate the steak and allow the heat to circulate evenly. Lastly, give the pan a quick spray with cooking oil to prevent the steak from sticking. Now that your broiler pan is prepared, you can move on to the next step of broiling your steak.

Place the Steak on the Broiler Pan

After preparing the broiler pan, place the steak on the broiler rack. This step is crucial in achieving a perfectly broiled steak. Here are five important things to keep in mind:

  • Temperature: Ensure that your toaster oven is preheated to the highest broil setting for optimal cooking.
  • Rack Position: Adjust the rack to the highest position in the toaster oven to allow for even heat distribution and proper browning.
  • Spacing: Leave enough space between the steaks on the broiler rack to ensure they cook evenly and don’t overcrowd the pan.
  • Seasoning: Prior to placing the steak on the broiler pan, season it generously with your desired spices, herbs, and salt and pepper.
  • Flip Once: Remember to flip the steak halfway through the cooking process to ensure both sides are evenly cooked and achieve a delicious crust.

Adjust the Toaster Oven Setting

To achieve optimal results, adjust the setting on your toaster oven. The right temperature and cooking time are crucial to broiling a steak to perfection. Start by preheating the toaster oven on the broil setting for about 10 minutes. This will ensure that the oven is hot enough to sear the steak and lock in the juices. Once preheated, place the steak on the broiler pan and adjust the oven rack to the desired position. For a medium-rare steak, set the toaster oven to 400°F and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side. For medium, increase the cooking time to 5-6 minutes per side. Keep a close eye on the steak to avoid overcooking. Remember, adjusting the toaster oven setting is key to achieving a perfectly broiled steak.

Broil the Steak for the Recommended Time

Now, broil the steak for the recommended time based on your desired level of doneness and the thickness of the steak. To ensure a perfectly cooked steak, follow these guidelines:

  • Rare: Cook for about 4-5 minutes per side.
  • Medium-rare: Cook for about 5-6 minutes per side.
  • Medium: Cook for about 6-7 minutes per side.
  • Medium-well: Cook for about 7-8 minutes per side.
  • Well-done: Cook for about 8-9 minutes per side.

Flip the Steak Halfway Through Cooking

Flip the steak halfway through cooking to ensure even browning and a delicious, tender result. When broiling a steak in a toaster oven, it is crucial to flip the meat to achieve an evenly cooked piece of meat. By flipping the steak midway, you allow both sides to receive equal exposure to the heat source, resulting in a more uniform browning on the surface. This step also promotes even cooking throughout the steak, preventing one side from becoming overcooked while the other remains undercooked. Moreover, flipping the steak halfway through cooking helps to retain the steak’s juices, contributing to a more succulent and tender end result. Remember, flipping the steak during the broiling process is a simple yet essential step in achieving a perfectly cooked steak in your toaster oven.

Let the Steak Rest Before Serving

Once the steak is cooked to your desired level of doneness, it is important to let it rest before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more flavorful and tender steak. Here are 5 reasons why you should let your steak rest:

  • Retains Juices: Resting the steak allows the juices to settle back into the meat, keeping it moist and succulent.
  • Enhances Flavor: Resting allows the flavors to develop and intensify, giving you a more delicious eating experience.
  • Improves Texture: By resting the steak, the muscle fibers relax and become more tender, resulting in a melt-in-your-mouth texture.
  • Even Cooking: Resting helps to even out the temperature throughout the steak, ensuring that it is cooked evenly from edge to edge.
  • Easier Slicing: Resting allows the steak to firm up slightly, making it easier to slice without losing its shape or juiciness.


In conclusion, broiling steak in a toaster oven can result in a juicy and flavorful dish. By following the right steps, such as preheating the oven, choosing the right cut of steak, and properly seasoning it, you can achieve delicious results. Don’t forget to flip the steak halfway through cooking and let it rest before serving for the best flavor and tenderness. Enjoy your perfectly broiled steak!